Itching After Bath : All You Need To Know

Causes of Itching After Bathing

  • Water: Not drying the skin properly after bathing. Steam exposure without properly drying can have a similar effect.
  • Heat: Hot water can irritate the skin, dry it excessively and worsen existing inflammation.
  • Toiletries: Soaps, shampoos and toothpaste should be removed thoroughly.
  • Scrubbing: Vigorous cleaning by scrubbing with a loofah or similar object can injure and irritate the skin.
  • Dry skin: Water and soap can dry skin which may only become apparent after bathing.
  • Skin diseases: Inflammation on diseased skin may be exacerbated by bathing.
  • Hypersensitivity: Heat and vigorous scrubbing can heighten abnormal skin sensitivity an injure the skin.
  • Infections: Certain microbes in the water can infect the skin while bathing.

Prevent Itching

  • Take shorter baths with lukewarm to hot water. Avoid very long or very hot baths. Soaking in a bath tub occasionally may not be a problem but frequent soaks that are long could cause itching.
  • Use mild soaps and shampoos. Baby soaps and shampoos are usually the safer option. Antibacterial soaps should be avoided. Always ensure that the soap or shampoo is thoroughly rinsed off. Shower quickly after soaking in a bath tub with foam bath or soap.
  • Scrub gently when bathing. Remember that dead skin cells will slough off on its own throughout the day and do not have to be physically removed. Gentle rubbing can suffice in remove surface dirt. Do not try to exfoliate deeply with very rough and hard surfaces.
  • Dry the skin thoroughly after bathing. Apart from wiping with a dry towel, also try to air dry the body for a short period before wearing clothes. If uncertain about skin folds like in the groin region, use an electric hair dryer on a low heat setting to air dry the area.
  • Moisturize dry skin after bathing. First ensure that the skin is thoroughly dried before applying a moisturizer. Always use non-scented (fragrance free) moisturizers with minimal additives for sensitive skin.
  • Use an emollient on damaged or diseased skin before bathing. This will help preserve any remaining moisture on the affected area. Avoid moisturizing or washing open wounds unless advised by a doctor.

Remedies for Itching After Bathing

It is better to prevent itching with the tips mentioned above than trying to remedy it after bathing. However, if itching is persisting after bathing then a few simple measures may help relieve it.
  • Have a quick shower in cool room-temperature water. Rub the body with your hand. Do not use a loofah or other rough object to scrub the skin. Dry thoroughly after a cool bath.
  • Air dry for longer. If an electric fan or air conditioning is available then try to cool down before putting on clothes. This should be avoided in cold environments as the body can lose heat rapidly after a hot bath.
  • Apply a thick emollient like petroleum jelly over the affected area. Avoid water-based moisturizers altogether until the itching subsides. Urea creams or calamine lotion may also be helpful in small areas where the itching is occurring.
  • Sit in a cool room if the itching does not resolve. Use an air conditioner if available to lower the room temperature around the 25C (77F) mark. However, this should not be done for babies who are unclothed.
Antihistamines and other medication should only be used if the itching persists, is severe and not resolving with other conservative measures. It is always advisable to seek medical advice in these cases.


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